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The Clown Doctors Programme The Clown Doctors Programme

The Clown Doctors visit sick children in hospital to support them through what can be a traumatic and frightening time. Fear, boredom, loss of control and other insecurities can adversely affect children in hospitals, and the Clown Doctors offer an impartial way of entertaining, supporting and empowering the children who may be struggling with these issues. Performing arts such as storytelling, music, improvisation and clowning are used to engage the children and to help them come to terms with their situation using humour and play.

You can learn more about the Clown Doctors Programme by watching the video below.

For Children and Young People in Hospitals

The Clown Doctors visit the Children’s Heart Unit at the Freeman Hospital.


For Children and Young People in Hospices

If you are a young person who spends any time at the St Oswald’s Hospice in Newcastle, then there is a good chance you will bump into us!


The Clown Doctors Very Special Meetings

A Very Special Meeting is an online meeting for children who have been patients at the Children’s Heart Unit in Newcastle.


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