The Clown Doctors have made lots of activities for you to join in with at home. You can have fun with videos, print-outs, animation and drawing. You can even send us pictures of what you’ve been up to.
Have fun with Videos
The Clown Doctors have made lots of fun videos for you to watch and join in with. There are stories to listen to, songs to sign, magic tricks and and things to make. Let us know what your favourite videos are, so we can make more of them!
Have fun with Printable Resources
All of the Clown Doctors are here! Simply print a picture and fill them full of colour! We would love it if you would send us a copy of your finished artwork so that we can add it to our gallery. Ask a grown-up to scan this QR code and send us your pictures. We’d love to see what you’ve done.
Have fun with Animation Creation
A mission – can you create a short animation? We have provided this Magical Mission Pack with your ‘mission instructions’ as well as lots of useful ‘how to’ information.